Dear Frank Flyer Families,


On behalf of the Frank Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), let me welcome you to the start of the 2024-2025 school year and a new year of PTO. I am looking forward to continuing the working partnership that has been established with the School Board, Administration, our amazing Teachers, and our invaluable Staff to provide an excellent learning experience for our children.  If this is your first year at Frank Elementary School, I would like to extend a very warm Flyer welcome to each of you.  If you are a returning family, I know that you are as excited as I am to be starting the school year.


We would love to ask all the parents at Frank Elementary to please consider joining our great PTO.  The Frank Elementary PTO works collaboratively to support the school through many events and volunteer opportunities.   We are all parents trying to give our kids the best educational and social experience possible. This could not happen without the donation of time and resources from all of you.  We would love for you to show your support by participating in the events and activities planned throughout the year. Your participation might be that of a committee member, volunteer, or as an attendee. Whatever level of participation you select, your time and involvement will certainly be appreciated. 


Please see the link labeled “PTO Calendar 2024-25” for a list of dates for the school year. You can also click on the links labeled “PTO Board 2024-2025” to see a list of the current committee members and a description of the committees’ responsibilities. In addition to events, we invite you to attend all or as many PTO meetings as you can.  Typically, meetings are held the last Monday of the month at 12:30pm. We would love for you to participate and help us make the 2024-25 school year great! We will need as many volunteers as possible.  Many tasks can even be done from the comforts of your own home. All the volunteer opportunities can be found on the “Volunteer Opportunities” tab on this site. The PTO believes that it is the ultimate importance that we do everything we can to enhance the learning environment of our children as they truly are our future. It will take all of us working together to ensure this happens. 


Thank you for all that you do for our Frank Flyers!  I am looking forward to a year of growth and excitement in learning as we work together! Feel free to contact me if you any questions.


Jessica Bane

Frank Elementary PTO President