By joining the PTO, you help us meet our school's needs that are outside the scope of their budget. You also get great discounts, locally and nationally. When you go a step further and volunteer to help with events—or join our board— you set a fine example for our students to follow, and greatly encourage our teachers and staff.
What is PTO?
PTO stands for Parent-Teacher Organization. At Frank Elementary, the PTO works with the school's administration, teachers, and staff to:
Support the school staff in and outside of the classroom
Provide educational tools and resources that enrich the educational environment
Create lasting memories for our children
Support and show appreciation for all teachers and staff
Foster a sense of community among school families
Assist in creating a positive learning experience of our students
Raise needed funds for school use
What does the PTO do?
The PTO works tirelessly behind the scenes to provide the extras that benefit your children every single day. We raise money every school year for classroom supplies, events, technology and equipment.
Benefits of Frank Elementary PTO:
The Frank Elementary PTO is very fortunate to have generous donations and contributions to our fundraising efforts from parents, teachers and community partners. We are committed to giving our Frank Elementary students a well-rounded educational experience.
What Events Need My Help?
Each year, the PTO sponsors a number of events for our children. Volunteer Sign-Ups are available online under the Volunteer Tab. By joining the PTO you are not obligated to Volunteer.
Do I Have to Volunteer at Every Event?
NO! Any time you can give to benefit our students and school is valuable and always appreciated.
What Are the Benefits to My Child?
There can’t be a Parent Teacher Organization without PARENTS. It is YOUR feedback, fresh ideas, and suggestions that enable our organization to grow and continue to bring great educational, fun events to our children.